A firefighting water trailer has been donated to the village of Quaama. This is part of ongoing work by Rotary to support community bushfire recovery and was made possible by a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Corrimal. The Corrimal Club has made a significant contribution to bushfire recovery programs in the Bega valley.
While the trailer, which was manufactured and supplied by Rural and Outback Trailers in Braidwood, has been designed to support fire-fighting efforts, its principal role, with its 1500 litre food-grade water tank, will be to re-supply drinking water to some 120 residents who are still relying on temporary IBC tanks for their home water supply.
As this requirement reduces, the trailer will be retained by the Quaama community to support other community redevelopment programs such as tree planting and maintenance activities. It will also be available for fire-fighting but hopefully this won't be needed in the near future. The Corrimal Club has also made provision for further support if or when the Recovery Centre is able to relocate to its proposed demountable.
President Dorothea Polonyi met with Veronica Abbott, Coordinator of the Quaama Bushfire Relief Centre to hand over the trailer. Also present at the handover was Peter Buggy of Sapphire Coast Projects Inc - a long time supporter of the Quaama Bushfire Relief Centre.