Sarnelli House, in Nongkhai, Thailand, is a refuge for abandoned and abused children and children affected with HIV/AIDS.
The Rotary Club of Bega has been supporting Sarnelli House for some time and we recently received an end-of-year update….

The staff admit that they were happy to say goodbye to 2021. Four of the older teenagers died – one in a road accident and three as a result of their underlying HIV/AIDS condition. A storm ripped up trees, damaged buildings and cut off power for weeks, right in the middle of the hot season. Then drought ruined more than half of the rice harvest.
Covid finally reached Sarnelli House in late November with 11 babies, 8 housemothers and cooks, and a driver getting infected. Many of the babies come to Sarnelli House already quite sick and with compromised immune systems so Covid has always been a worry. Thankfully all recovered and are doing well.
Christmas was therefore fairly quiet but the children all received individually wrapped presents, thanks to the generosity of donors and benefactors.
After Christmas all the children, babies and staff who were affected by Covid19 moved back to their normal houses, following almost a month away being isolated in other buildings. A big New Year's Eve party was held outside where the children could cook their own favourite Thai BBQ meal, followed by a camp-out with dancing and celebrations and noodle soup to bring in the new year.
Let’s hope 2022 is kinder to the children and staff of Sarnelli House.
Please visit their website by clicking here if you would like to make a donation directly or contact Bega Rotary.